by Knowlex | Nov 16, 2023
A Decade of Empowering Healthcare Professionals Globally For over a decade, Knowlex has been the trusted partner of healthcare professionals globally. Rooted in the UK and expanding worldwide, Knowlex collaborates with key government advisory groups to facilitate the...
by Knowlex | Dec 13, 2022
This survey is seeking your views to help improve wound care, which affects millions of people every year. Wound care is provided by doctors, nurses and other health and care professionals, sharing information about a person’s care within the team is key to good care....
by Knowlex | Sep 28, 2022
Laundry is hugely important for the care home sector. Ensuring that all textiles used are hygienic is a vital part of infection prevention and control (IPC), but until now very little research has been done into how standards are maintained and supported. As the adult...