Laundry is hugely important for the care home sector. Ensuring that all textiles used are hygienic is a vital part of infection prevention and control (IPC), but until now very little research has been done into how standards are maintained and supported. As the adult social care sector is three times the size of primary healthcare (hospitals) in the UK and forms a key part of our care system DMU and the TSA have launched the largest survey of its kind to learn more about how the sector manages laundry hygiene.

By taking part in this survey care home staff and managers have a great opportunity to influence the outputs. The results of this survey will help create the implementation of improved standards and procedures for both residents and care workers of this incredibly important and often forgotten function. If you are a healthcare worker and would like to take part in this survey, click on the link below. Everyone completing the anonymous survey will have the chance to win a £50 one4all vouchers.

Healthcare managers:

Healthcare worker (Carer):